TP-Link : Change Wi-Fi password in Mobile
- Nogle få ting at afklare
- Opstart af Chromebook i udviklertilstand
- Find den gemte Wi-Fi-adgangskode
| tr '!-~' 'P-~!-O'. Replace the wish the code that you get as the passphrase.
That's all, you will have the Wi-Fi password on the screen. Conclusion I understand that the process is a bit too techy, but you can bookmark this page or save the commands to your favored notes app. When you need it, you can always refer back and even copy and paste the entire commands. In case of any doubts, please drop in your queries in our forum.
For et par dage tilbage besøgte jeg en café, og som altid spurgte jeg barista om Wi-Fi-adgangskoden. Men den reaktion, jeg fik, var noget, jeg aldrig forventede. Nu får jeg som regel Wi-Fi-adgangskoden på min regning for forudbetalte ordrer, som jeg har lagt i min Chromebook for at komme i gang. Varm kaffe med noget at skrive, det er sådan, de næste par timer går.
Den dag kom barista hen til mit bord og bad mig om at kigge i en anden retning (det var det, der irriterede mig), mens han indtastede adgangskoden. Jeg var som, ” hvad troede han, jeg ville gøre med hans Wi-Fi-adgangskode? Sælg det på eBay kan være. Hvis han er så usikker, bør han ændre det på daglig basis i stedet for at bede kunderne om at se i en anden retning. ”
Uanset hvad var jeg hurtigt færdig med min kaffe, og inden jeg gik hen, gik jeg over til fyren og overleverede regningen til ham med det Wi-Fi-adgangskode, han var så besiddende over. Han var overrasket, men jeg elskede udseendet på hans ansigt.
Det er ret vanskeligt at finde Wi-Fi-adgangskoden til det tilsluttede netværk på en Chromebook, men som du kan se, kan det til tider være nyttigt. Lad os se, hvordan jeg gjorde det.
Læs også: Sådan finder du gemt Wi-Fi-adgangskode i Windows 10, Android og iOS.
Nogle få ting at afklare
Tricket fungerer kun, hvis Chromebook har udviklertilstand aktiveret på det. Den gode del er, hvis den ikke allerede er i udviklertilstand, viser vi dig, hvordan du gør det. Men hvis du aktiverer det, vil du vaske din Chromebook, hvilket betyder, at alle dine profiler, gemte filer og endda Wi-Fi-adgangskode vil blive slettet.
Så det betyder, at du kun vil være i stand til at få Wi-Fi-adgangskoder til det netværk, du opretter forbindelse til, efter at Chromebook er sat i udvikler-tilstand.
Opstart af Chromebook i udviklertilstand
For at begynde skal du trykke på knappen Esc, Refresh og Power på din Chromebook. Når du trykker på disse knapper sammen, starter den i gendannelsestilstand, og du får en meddelelse, som Chrome OS mangler, og indsæt en gendannelsespind for at gendanne. Intet at bekymre sig her, Chrome OS er hvor det skal være, og du bliver nødt til at trykke på Ctrl + D-knappen for at aktivere udviklertilstand.
Sidste chance! Hvis du vil fortsætte, skal du trykke på enter.
Find den gemte Wi-Fi-adgangskode
Nu, hvor din Chromebook er i Dev-tilstand, kan du få adgangskoden til ethvert Wi-Fi-netværk, du opretter forbindelse til. For at komme i gang skal du oprette forbindelse til det Wi-Fi-netværk, du vil knække adgangskoden til, og derefter trykke på Ctrl + Alt + T på Chromebook-tastaturet. Dette åbner Crosh-skallen.
Når du ser skærmen med sort skal, skal du indtaste følgende koder:
Her får du listen over en mappe med en lang streng. Skriv blot cd og en fane, og tryk derefter på enter. Du føres til biblioteket. For eksempel
Til sidst skal du indtaste kommandoen “more shill / shill.profile” og trykke på enter. Du vil se en linje med tekster, der har Wi-Fi-oplysninger om netværk, du har oprettet forbindelse til indtil dato.
Find den Wi-Fi SSID, du ønsker at få adgangskoden til, og find den linje, der siger "Passphrase = rot47:" efterfulgt af en tilfældig tekst. Dette er Wi-Fi-adgangskoden, men den er krypteret. Sådan dekrypteres type i kommandoekkoet
| tr '!-~' 'P-~!-O'. Replace the
wish the code that you get as the passphrase.
That's all, you will have the Wi-Fi password on the screen. Conclusion I understand that the process is a bit too techy, but you can bookmark this page or save the commands to your favored notes app. When you need it, you can always refer back and even copy and paste the entire commands. In case of any doubts, please drop in your queries in our forum.
| tr '!-~' 'P-~!-O'. Replace the
wish the code that you get as the passphrase.
That's all, you will have the Wi-Fi password on the screen. Conclusion I understand that the process is a bit too techy, but you can bookmark this page or save the commands to your favored notes app. When you need it, you can always refer back and even copy and paste the entire commands. In case of any doubts, please drop in your queries in our forum.
| tr '!-~' 'P-~!-O'. Replace the wish the code that you get as the passphrase.
That's all, you will have the Wi-Fi password on the screen. Conclusion I understand that the process is a bit too techy, but you can bookmark this page or save the commands to your favored notes app. When you need it, you can always refer back and even copy and paste the entire commands. In case of any doubts, please drop in your queries in our forum.
| tr '!-~' 'P-~!-O'. Replace the wish the code that you get as the passphrase.
That's all, you will have the Wi-Fi password on the screen. Conclusion I understand that the process is a bit too techy, but you can bookmark this page or save the commands to your favored notes app. When you need it, you can always refer back and even copy and paste the entire commands. In case of any doubts, please drop in your queries in our forum.
| tr '!-~' 'P-~!-O'. Replace the wish the code that you get as the passphrase.
That's all, you will have the Wi-Fi password on the screen. Conclusion I understand that the process is a bit too techy, but you can bookmark this page or save the commands to your favored notes app. When you need it, you can always refer back and even copy and paste the entire commands. In case of any doubts, please drop in your queries in our forum.
| tr '!-~' 'P-~!-O'. Replace the wish the code that you get as the passphrase.
That's all, you will have the Wi-Fi password on the screen. Conclusion I understand that the process is a bit too techy, but you can bookmark this page or save the commands to your favored notes app. When you need it, you can always refer back and even copy and paste the entire commands. In case of any doubts, please drop in your queries in our forum.
| tr '!-~' 'P-~!-O'. Replace the wish the code that you get as the passphrase.
That's all, you will have the Wi-Fi password on the screen. Conclusion I understand that the process is a bit too techy, but you can bookmark this page or save the commands to your favored notes app. When you need it, you can always refer back and even copy and paste the entire commands. In case of any doubts, please drop in your queries in our forum.
| tr '!-~' 'P-~!-O'. Replace the wish the code that you get as the passphrase.
That's all, you will have the Wi-Fi password on the screen. Conclusion I understand that the process is a bit too techy, but you can bookmark this page or save the commands to your favored notes app. When you need it, you can always refer back and even copy and paste the entire commands. In case of any doubts, please drop in your queries in our forum.
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